Holly Bible

ብሉይ ኪዳን Old Testament

ዘፍጥረት 5:1-3

1 መጽሓፍ ወለዶ ኣዳም እዚ እዩ፥ ኣምላኽ በታ ንሰብ ዝፈጠረላ መዓልቲ ብምስሊ ኣምላኽ ገበሮ። 2 ተባዕታይን ኣንስተይትን ገይሩ ፈጠሮም፡ ባረኾም ድማ። በታ እተፈጥሩላ መዓልቲ ኸኣ ስሞም ኣዳም ኢሉ ኣውጽአሎም።  3 ኣዳም ድማ ሚእትን ሰላሳን ዓመት ገበረ፡ ከም መልክዑ ኸኣ ንእኡ ዚመስል ወዲ ወለደ፡ ስሙውን ሴት ኣውጽኣሉ።

Holly Bible
Holly Bible
Holly Bible

ብሉይ ኪዳን Old Testament

1. ሪት ዘፍጥረት (Genesis)
2.  ኦሪት ዘጸአት (Exodus)
3. ኦሪት ዘሌዋውያን (Leviticus)
4. ኦሪት ዘኍልቍ (Numbers)
5. ኦሪት ዘዳግም (Deuteronomy)
6. መጽሐፈ ኢያሱ ወልደ ነዌ (Joshua)
7. መጽሐፈ መሣፍንት (Judges)
8. መጽሐፈ ሩት (Ruth)
9. መጽሐፈ ሳሙኤል ቀዳማዊ (1 Samuel)
10. መጽሐፈ ሳሙኤል ካል (2 Samuel)
11. መጽሐፈ ነገሥት ቀዳማዊ (1 Kings)
12. መጽሐፈ ነገሥት ካልዕ (2 Kings)
13.መጽሐፈ ዜና መዋዕል ቀዳማዊ (1 Chronicles)
14. መጽሐፈ ዜና መዋዕል ካልዕ (2 Chronicles)
15. መጽሐፈ ዕዝራ (Ezra)
16. መጽሐፈ ነህምያ (Nehemiah)
17. መጽሐፈ አስቴር (Esther)
18. መጽሐፈ ኢዮብ(Job)
19. መዝሙረ ዳዊት (Psalms)
20. መጽሐፈ ምሳሌ (Proverbs)
21. መጽሐፈ መክብብ (Ecclesiastes)
22. መኃልየ መኃልይ ዘሰሎሞን (Song of Solomon)
23. ትንቢተ ኢሳይያስ (Isaiah)
24. ትንቢተ ኤርምያስ (Jeremiah)
25. ሰቆቃው ኤርምያስ (Lamentations)
26. ትንቢተ ሕዝቅኤል (Ezekiel)
27. ትንቢተ ዳንኤል (Daniel)
28. ትንቢተ ሆሴዕ (Hosea)
29. ትንቢተ ኢዮኤል (Joel)
30. ትንቢተ አሞጽ (Amos)
31. ትንቢተ አብድዩ (Obadiah)
32. ትንቢተ ዮናስ (Jonah)
33. ትንቢተ ሚክያስ (Micah)
34. ትንቢተ ናሆም (Nahum)
35. ትንቢተ ዕንባቆም (Habakkuk)
36. ትንቢተ ሶፎንያስ (Zephaniah)
37. ትንቢተ ሐጌ (Haggai)
38. ትንቢተ ዘካርያስ (Zechariah)
39. ትንቢተ ሚልክያ (Malachi)


Holly Bible


“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.”


And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all [these things] must come to pass, but the end is not yet.”

Accept Jesus Today!

MATTHEW 24:40-41 (KJV)

“Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.”

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MARK 13:32 (KJV)

“But of that day and [that] hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.”


My name is Eden Fessehaye and i build ilovejesus1.com website for everyone to have access to the bible and audio bible as well.  There is Amharic, Tigrigna and English bible.  Also, the English bible can be translated to any languages for everyone to have access to...

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